StealthCrypto comes with a very effective set of security tools and network technology

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Hello friends, dear readers and crypto friends, on this occasion I will introduce the StealthCrypto project, please refer to the good below so you won’t regret it later.

About StealthCrypto
Quantum Cyber Security for a new age of communications – We are developing the largest decentralized, incentivized, self-sustainable, quantum mesh network based on blockchain technology. Using proprietary, end-to-end Dynamic Split Encryption, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution”, and quantum number generation, quantum key distribution and authentication. The Ultimate in Quantum Secure Cryptography for data protection, as well as blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. The Team is creating a single Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem that will be far superior than any existing ID systems, that is secure, private and available on demand.
StealthCrypto and the Stealth Grid development team prides ourselves on strong technical expertise and unique market knowledge, with 2/3 of employees working in R&D, including an international team of security experts and a number of world renowned cryptographers.
Products ready for market
Stealth Grids Trust Center has a suite of unified, encrypted communication products ready for market that will be activated by the StealthCrypto token. Current market ready products include, IM, cloud storage and file sharing, email, voice, and video conferencing that use our proprietary Quantum cyber security technology, StealthCrypto, as well as “AI Cyber Security”. Using our patented , Dynamic end-to-end, Split Encryption, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution”, and quantum authentication technology for data protection, blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. Stealth Grid is building an incentive based quantum mesh network that will radicalize present infrastructure based on our Qubit blockchain.
StealthCrypto Phone
StealthCrypto gives our users enormous power over his or her privacy and call anywhere in the world with Wi-Fi or data. Stealth Grid aims to decentralize mobile communication with technologies that enable smart phones to communicate without relying on centralized infrastructures using our decentralized our Quantum mesh network – a first of its kind in the telecommunications industry.” All phones feature a built-in privacy control center giving users full control of access and functions of their phone. StealthCrypto phone will be the most secure phone on the market and every app must be approved and downloaded from a secure StealthCrypto page.
Quantum Mesh Network
The StealthCrypto Cloud NAS System is fully decentralized, with files distributed and stored all over the world, on different containers. This allows the network to be robust to attacks, with no central point of weakness. StealthCrypto Cloud NAS with an embedded wifi router container that connects to peer-to-peer cloud storage, telecommunications, communications, IOT connections, mining, and powered by StealthCrypto incentive based Ecosystem. The system will Delivered Quantum Entropy engine, quantum key generation, key distribution and authentication.
Business Model
StealthCrypto has the experience and the expertise to protect your data using next-generation decentralized blockchain security technology to help defend against emerging challenges in an evolving threat landscape. Our high-performance network encryption for long-term data protection Quantum key generation and quantum key distribution
StealthCrypto makes cloud storage, IoT , and communications secure, and faster with StealthCrypto’s patented StealthCrypto.
Token Sale Details
  • Initial Price Per Token: $0.50 USD
  • Target Goal Raise Amount: $200,000,000 USD
  • ( 200,000,000 QMN Tokens Stage 1)
  • Min. Amount to Purchase: $500 USD

ICO Roadmap

Quantum Cyber Security Solutions

Q1 2018 (projected)

Launching unified blockchain peer to peer communication products that include, IM, cloud storage and file sharing, email, voice, and video conferencing that use Dynamic Split Encryption, Dynamic GeoDistribution, authentication, and our proprietary Quantum cyber security technology.

StealthCrypto Distributed Network – Quantum Meshed Network

Q2 2018 (projected)

A StealthCrypto meshed peer-to-peer cloud storage network would implement end-to-end dynamic split encryption and dynamic geo distributed models with disruptive authentication algorithms using quantum number generators of decentralized IBE – key distribution through blockchain. Additionally launching our StealthCrypto phone.

Qubit Blockchain Development And Testing

Q3 2018 (projected)

Develop and Test Qubit Blockchain for implementation in our Quantum Mesh Network

Make technology acquisitions and submit patents for Qubit Blockchain as well develop channel partners and agnostic StealthCrypto software and hardware.

Qubit Blockchain Launching

Q4 2018 (projected)

Launch Qubit Blockchain to be used within the Stealth Grid Technologies, StealthCrypto ecosystem and its Quantum Mesh Network.

Our Team

Larry Castro

Chief Executive Officer

William Eilers

Executive Vice President And General Counsel

Jay Dills

CIO And VP For Engineering

Darin Andersen

Chief Operating Officer

Jorge Andres Ramos Eguinoa

Development Team

Project Leader / Software Architect

James Scott

Development Team

Security Architect

Randy Hest

Development Team

Security Architect

Daniel Saavedra

UI and Design Team

Project Leader / Creative Director

Carlos Costantini

UI and Design Team

Graphic Designer

Gurminder Singh Khalsa

Advisory Board & QUBIT Blockchain Development

Darren McVean

MVP Asia Pacific Inc.

Chief Executive Officer


Robin Pinzon

MVP Asia Pacific Inc.

Project Manager, Software & Web Dept.


Jay Turla

MVP Asia Pacific Inc.

Lead Engineer & Smart Contract Specialist


Sheryll Manguerra

MVP Asia Pacific Inc.

Operations Manager


Join our team and buy your StealthCrypto TOKENS and take advantage of the advantages offered by the most profitable platforms on the market. Do not waste time and become part of our Telegram group so you can communicate with us and clarify any questions you may have. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity offered by the StealthCrypto project.

Enjoy the bonuses available in the early stages of pre-sale. (ICO). Visit our WEBSITE to learn more about the benefits of this big project.

For more information, we invite you to visit the following link:



FACEBOOK: / StealthCrypto-143787762986167 /





ETH ADDRESS: 0x600551EA1C7fE83F9f63254B3b054DcAe9cC2251

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